Vogue knitting has 39 books on goodreads with 8030 ratings. I havent looked through this edition of vogue knitting. Buy the hardcover book vogue knitting the ultimate knitting book. This remarkable resource contains over 400 individual articles and is lavishly illustrated and beautifully designed, with hundreds of color photos, technical. Vogue knitting magazine the ultimate knitting experience. The ultimate knitting book is an invaluable reference for every stage of a knitters career. Vogue knitting the ultimate hat book patterns from the editors of vogue knitting magazine. Vogue knitting magazines are available for download onto your iphone, kindle and android tablets summer light special advertising section the seasons silkysoft skeins are primed for any challenges of spring and summer knitting. Although i have a number of other knitting books, this one is the most complete overall resource ive found.
When sterling publishing asked me if id like a free copy of the latest edition of vogue knitting. At the very least, its a very fine knitting reference book. I think there are three essential types of books that every knitter should have in their library, and a good reference book is number one on that list, but i didnt have a recommendation that was helpful. Vogue knitting, the ultimate knitting book, by the editors of vogue knitting magazine, is a huge and wonderful book for your knitting library. I own the 2002 edition and have used it quite a bit as a reference book. The index is 8 pages and reasonably detailed, far more than im used to seeing in knitting books. The ultimate knitting book by the editors of vogue knitting magazine, which came out last month. Announcing the most definitive guide to sock knitting available today, by the editors of vogue knitting magazine who but the editors of vogue knitting magazine can bring you the ultimate guide to the most knitterly of skills. Launched over twentyfive years ago, vk has set the bar for knitting, working with the biggest and most talented names in fashion today, including michael kors and anna sui. The second edition, released in 2002, further cemented its.
If you want a great reference book for knitting, this book should be in your library. The ultimate hat book is a book well worth investing in if youre a fan of working on hats or small projects. The ultimate knitting book by vogue knitting magazine. To date, more than 1 million copies across both editions. The ultimate knitting book 2002 by vogue knitting magazine editors patterns vogue knitting books digital vogue knitting.
Click to learn more buy from amazon vogue knitting the ultimate knitting book by vogue knitting magazine editors. Carefully crafted by the editors of vogue knitting magazine to reflect the latest develops in knitting, this edition is the ideal reference for every modern knitter from. Titles are arranged by categoryclick the buttons below to narrow your search by knitting, crochet and sewing titles. The ultimate knitting book 2002 by vogue knitting magazine editors. This 1989 edition will not be compared to the updated 2002 or later editions. From casting on the first stitch to the details of sleeve. It would serve the needs of someone looking for just one knitting reference, or fill the empty gap on your knitting bookshelf. Vogue knitting, the ultimate knitting book 2002 patterns ravelry. The ultimate knitting reference, from the worlds most recognized knitting magazine, gets a thorough updateincluding 1,600 color images and brandnew sections with techniques and designs. With input from more than 50 leading specialists, no other book covers the field so comprehensively.
Vogue knitting the ultimate knitting book book depository. Vogue knitting live new york 2012 koigu fashion show. I loved it dearly until a huge hurricane hit the town and half of my library was sinking in water. When the editors of vogue knitting magazine revealed what they describe as. Summer light special advertising section the seasons silkysoft skeins are primed for any challenges of spring and summer knitting. It would take dozens of knitting books to give you the information youll find in just this one. Vogue knitting book the ultimate knitting book revised. Simple to understand, it is an update from the beloved 2002 edition which was updated from the original 1989 edition. Vogue knitting international spring summer 2007 ultimate. Launched 35 years ago, vogue knitting magazine has set the bar for fashion handknitting.
Now, if the 2002 edition was ultimate, meaning if you ask mr. Vogue knitting magazines are available for download onto your iphone, kindle and android tablets. It was first published in the late 1980s, and a second edition came out in 2002. It covers everything from global traditions and classic styles to key techniques, blocking to achieve the best shape, design advice, and 50 remarkable patterns from some of todays top knitwear designers. Vogue knittings most popular book is vogue knitting. The second edition, released in 2002, only further cemented its place as the most trusted knitting resource. Vogue knitting, the ultimate knitting book makes a great reference for the beginning knitter, as well as the advanced. The book is also prefaced with the basics of hat knitting and a brief history of knitted hats. The vogue knitting brand encompasses the magazine, knitting resource and pattern books, vogue knitting live, a series of consumer shows that attract more than 15,000 knitters annually. Every single technique was meticulously researched, written, and tested by vogue knittings editors. The technical knitter in me loved that the editors of vogue thought to include these informative and useful sections. Much more than a pattern book, this volume introduces novices and experts alike to the wonderful world of sock knitting. With input from over 50 specialists, all with years of experience in the industry, no other book covers the field so comprehensively and with such authority. First published in 1989, vogue knitting the ultimate knitting book instantly became a beloved resource for knitters.
Vogue knitting by vogue, 9781931543163, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. The ultimate knitting book instantly became a trusted and beloved resource for knitters. Vogue knitting, the ultimate knitting book 2002 by vogue knitting magazine editors. With updated, revised and new material throughout, more than 70 additional pages, and more than 1,600 photos and hand. This knitting book includes howtos, knitting methods, circular and flat knitting. The subtitle of the book is the ultimate knitting book, which is not really an exaggeration. The ultimate knitting book, completely revised and. By the editors of vogue knitting the most comprehensive knitting reference book ever published, knitopedia is organized as an a to z encyclopedia with numerous crossreferences that make it easy to find information. Reviewed in the united states on february 20, 2018 note.
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